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Mr Sabba & The Swing'n'Roll Orchestra Showreel

Mr Sabba & The Swing'n'Roll Orchestra - Ragazzo Fortunato

Mr Sabba & The Swing'n'roll Orchestra - You are so beautiful to me (Joe Cocker)

Mr Sabba & The Swing'n'roll Orchestra - "Casinò" event @ Aramakè

MrSabba & The Swing’n’Roll Orchestra

MrSabba & The Swing’n’Roll Orchestra è un progetto musicale che nasce come B-Side del percorso artistico della band “Sabba e Gli Incensurabili”. La band a 10 anni dalla sua costituzione, dopo essersi misurata con i riarrangiamenti dei brani più celebri del cantautorato italiano e dopo aver inciso ben due dischi di propri inediti, continua ad esplorare ed a sperimentare le contaminazioni musicali tra i diversi generi, approdando allo Swing ‘n’ Roll. Spinti dalla passione per i ritmi suadenti dello swing, rivisitati in chiave rock, e per quelli adrenalinici del rock 'n' roll, arricchiti da influenze swing, MrSabba & The Swing 'n' Roll Orchestra presenta un repertorio che spazia da Frank Sinatra a Michael Bublè, passando per Elvis, con omaggi ai grandi dello Swing e del Rocknroll.


MrSabba & The Swing'n'Roll Orchestra is a musical project that was born as the B-side of the artistic career of the band "Sabba e Gli Incensurabili”. Over the last ten years, the band has re-arranged many of the most famous songs in the Italian singer-songwriter canon and recorded two discs of its own unreleased material. Its exploration and experimentation with different musical genres has culminated with Swing 'n' Roll. Driven by a passion for a music where the mellow groove of swing meets the adrenaline-pumping rhythms of rock 'n' roll, MrSabba & The Swing 'n' Roll Orchestra showcases a repertoire ranging from Frank Sinatra to Michael Bublè and Elvis, paying homage to the greats of Swing and Rock 'n' roll.


Mara Maionchi - "Your vocal timbre is formidable".
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